Blueberry Pie Under a Martian Sky screenshot from inside the VR experience.
 Blueberry Pie Under a Martian Sky screenshot from inside the VR experience.
 Blueberry Pie Under a Martian Sky screenshot from inside the VR experience.
 Blueberry Pie Under a Martian Sky screenshot from inside the VR experience.
 Blueberry Pie Under a Martian Sky screenshot from inside the VR experience.
 installation for SPECULATIVE CULTURES. The New School / Parsons, NYC. February, 2019.
2017.04_AbTeC_Blueberry Pie Under a Martian Sky 01_300dpi_17x9.png
 installation for SPECULATIVE CULTURES. The New School / Parsons, NYC. February, 2019.
 installation for SPECULATIVE CULTURES. The New School / Parsons, NYC. February, 2019.
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